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Lot4 - Lady L Rivka Rojo 195 - IVF Aspiration

High bid
6 years 50 weeks 9 hours 55 min 32 sec ago
Lot Information:
Lady L Rivka Rojo 195 - IVF Aspiration
*+Mr SG 111/1
Miss KC Ruby 808/4
4L Cattle Company

Lot 4

Lady L Rivka Rojo 195 – IVF Aspiration

Here’s an outcross opportunity that you shouldn’t let slip away Rivka is sired by the 2014 Houston International Grand Champion Bull + Mr SG 111/1……No other red bull in recent years was as dominant in the show ring as “Jack” Her mother Miss KC Ruby 808/4, does not disappoint either; She is an own daughter of +BB Sting Ray 10/0 and from the phenomenal donor female +JDH Shelby Manso. Ruby was a many time champion for Mary Kate Walters and is now a top donor for HK Cattle.

Rivka herself has been a multiple time division champion and believe her to be a big time donor cow in the making. We wanted to share one of our best, and here she is. Just imagine the mating possibilities; Winchester 999, Smokin Gun, Troubador, etc……

*Terms of IVF Aspiration* Rivka will be available for procedure after June 1, 2018 Selling the right to one IVF cycle to the bull of your choice Buyer pays all associated costs and must supply semen Buyer receives 100% of embryos 4L Cattle guarantees a minimum of 5 transferable embryos 4L will deliver donor to TransOva or ST Genetics

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