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Lot 9 - Silva 634/7 1278955 X KR 921/15 El Rey 20154201 - 3 sexed female IVF embryos

High bid
4 years 34 weeks 5 days 14 hours 32 min ago
Lot Information:

Silva 634/7 dam of Silva 915/4 one of the great carcass females in the breed. Balanced genetics that hit all the industry targets.

Silva 634/7 1278955 X KR 921/15 El Rey 20154201
SC BW WW YW Milk TM HCW Back Fat Marb REA Tend
0.25 0.3 17.65 32.4 2.57 11.1 21.66 0.009 0.29 0.11 -0.01
80% 70% 3% 1% 20%   1% 90% 1% 3% 10%

Final Bid Price = Bid Price x 3

Guarantee 1 pregnancy per lot if transfers done by approved tech, option of 1 embryo or refund for cost of 1 embryo


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