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Lot 9 - Show Stopping Embryos

High bid
12 years 3 weeks 3 days 13 hours 49 min ago
Lot Information:
Red U-2 Big League 7136T X Red Six Mile Minerva 681R - 3 Embryos
Red U-2 Big League 7136T
Red Six Mile Minerva 681R

Selling 3 Eggs.  Final Price = 3 X Bid Price

Females from this mating are destined for the show ring and later the donor pen.  Minervia 681R is a deep blood red donor female who is sired by the imortal maternal legend, Red Towaw Indeed.  The sire is know to produce super clean fronted progeny with extra stylea nd muscle shape.  Qualifed for CAN, U.S, AUSTRALIA, E.U.

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Paternal Sibling
Paternal Sibling

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