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Lot 9 - Replacement Heifer Miss KI 100

High bid
2 years 14 weeks 3 days 7 hours 45 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss KI 100
Sire: JDH Mr. Crush Manso
Dam: Miss V8 518/6

Miss KI 100 is a heavy muscled, long, and feminine female that is backed by some of the most proven genetics from the legendary operations of J.D. Hudgins, Inc. and V8 Ranch.  The sire to 100 is JDH Mr. Crush Manso who was a former show bull and a proven herd sire validated by his progeny winning shows and topping sales in the USA and abroad.  Crush is a son of the National Champion and iconic sire +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso and out of a daughter of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Sir Marri Manso.  The dam to Miss KI 100 is Miss V8 518/6 who is also the dam to lots 13 & 15 proving her producing ability.  Miss V8 518/6 is a dam to 41 progeny and is sired by (+)JDH Karu Manso 800 and out of a daughter of +Mr. V8 189/4 who are both two of the most maternally oriented sires in the breed.  Based on her genetic profile it would be expected that the progeny out of 100  should be small at birth, fast growing, and heavy muscled.  Don’t miss this female that is ready to impact your herd!

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Sire: JDH Mr. Crush Manso
Sire: JDH Mr. Crush Manso
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Dam: Miss V8 518/6
Dam: Miss V8 518/6

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