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Lot 9 - Mr. L2 134

High bid
8 years 45 weeks 2 days 2 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. L2 134
RLB Mr. 281
L2 Miss Elle 131

If you want to talk about style and performance, take a look at this stunning bull calf. Only shown once and already a Calf champion title at the KVLS open brahman show. This bull calf has the look!! He is extremely level hipped, bold sprung, heavy muscled, sound on his feet and legs, and a good disposition. Sired by the champion RLB 281 Fusig son that was a champion bull at the Florida State Fair. His dam is Miss L2 Elle 31 is the calf that was on the side of 137/7 when she won Houston as a pair, sired by the V8 203/6 this cow is 4 years old and has had 3 calves. This bull will make a great show bull or future herd sire prospect. Take a look at lot 9!

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