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Lot 9 - Mr. Broken Triangle 320

High bid
9 years 19 weeks 5 days 19 hours 6 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. Broken Triangle 320
K-C Remington Magnum 888/3
Miss Broken Triangle 887
Actual BW: 93, BW: 4.3 WW: 22.1 YW: 35.6 M: 7.9

REA/CWT: 1.2, IMF%: 2.47, Rib Fat: .23, Rump Fat: .37, Scrotal Cir: 38 cm

Mr Broken Triangle 320 is a big stout powerful heavy boned coming two-year-old red Brahman bull. He is sired by a +Sting Ray son and out of a +Winchester Magnum 999 daughter. This is a bull that can add some size and bone to a herd.

320 has good breed character, a nice hump, and depth of body with a flat hip. He is sound on his feet and legs. Because of his 93 lbs. actual birth weight and 4.3 BW EPD he needs to be used on mature Brahman cows.


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