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Lot 9 - Mr. 6X Sunland 665/4

High bid
9 years 12 weeks 3 days 16 hours 42 min ago
Lot Information:
Mr. 6X Sunland 665/4
Mr. 6X Sunland 410/9
Miss 6X Sunland 496/0
BW: -0.8 WW: 11.1 YW: 21.6 M: 8.2 MBW:-.3 HCW:13.6 Fat:.041 REA:-.15 Marb:.08 % RP:-.19 Tend:-.02 Doc.-.4
Pratt Farms

Here is a prime example of what we are producing out West.  665/4 combines a low birthweight with moderate growth, milk, structural soundness and carcass traits.  He is the lowest BW EPD bull in the sale at a -0.8 and ranks in the top 3% of the breed indicating that he should be the calving ease specialist.   In addition he charts positive figures for the economically relevant traits of milk, marbling & tenderness.   This performance oriented bull should meet the expectation of any commercial or Brahman producer.

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