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Lot 9: Miss WCC Nora

High bid
9 years 20 weeks 5 days 2 hours 9 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss WCC Nora
JDH Kucera Manso 167
SRS Miss Dora 966

Ideal junior show heifer for a younger kid. Miss WCC Nora has become one of our favorites of the show prospects, her disposition is perfect! This will be the only heifer out of our top donor SRS Miss Dora 966 to sell this year.


Miss WCC Nora is extremely balanced and level topped, additionally she’s one of the most complete heifers from our spring calf crop. In the mid 2000’s we purchased JDH Kucera Manso 167, a LB Jefferson 766 son out of a JDH Prescott 82 daughter. The JDH Kucera Manso 167 did extremely well for us and continues to be an ideal outcross for our cattle with a 100% red pedigree.  This SRS Dora 966 cow is always a crowd favorite, had an impressive show record and her progeny can be found throughout the south and Mexico…Miss WCC Nora just might be her best offspring yet! The SRS Dora 966 cow is a SRS Red Tide 728 daughter. In her pedigree you can find +SRS Red Stroke 522, +TTT Texas Lotto 670 and +VL 4/95. Pedigree alone makes Miss WCC Nora one of our most exclusive offerings of 2015.


Miss WCC Nora has been started on a show ration and will be gentled down, ready to halter break if the buyer choses to show her. Watkins Cattle would like to leave “Nora” on her recipient mother until mid-late October. Additionally, We recommend Tic Tac Toe Ranch for all your halter breaking and showing needs at a negotiated rate of $13/day.

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Sire: JDH Kucera Manso 167
Sire: JDH Kucera Manso 167
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Dam: SRS Miss Dora 966
Dam: SRS Miss Dora 966

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