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Lot 9 - MISS V8 548/7

High bid
13 years 23 weeks 3 days 1 hour 54 min ago
Lot Information:
MISS V8 548/7
MR. V8 51/6
MISS V8 420/6
BW: 3.5 WW: 22.6 YW: 33.7 M: 9.0

Of course, we had to include one of our special polled heifers in this sale! The demand for polled Brahman genetics has exploded over the past few years thanks to the dedicated support of breeders working so hard to offer high quality, polled Brahman cattle. V8 is one of the leaders in this polled trend as we continue to focus on superior animals that carry the polled gene. This little heifer is smooth polled! Her sire is Mr. V8 51/6, our scurred bull out of the polled cow who put us back in the polled business in recent years at V8…+Miss V8 98/6. This bloodline is the same cow family that produced the U.S.’s only grey polled National Champion cow: Miss V8 100/7. Her mother is also a smooth polled cow who’s sired by +Mr. V8 189/5 and out of a JDH Mr. Manso 288/1 cow. We are also keeping 2 smooth polled daughters out of the dam, Miss V8 420/6, that are sired by Mr. V8 960/5.  They are outstanding and are in our 2 year old replacement pasture. If you’re a polled Brahman enthusiast, or looking to join this group, here’s a heifer to consider!

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Lot 9 - MISS V8 548/7 - Smooth Polled
Lot 9 - MISS V8 548/7 - Smooth Polled

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