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Lot 9 - Miss RB 239/6 "Fantina"

High bid
7 years 31 weeks 4 days 22 hours 21 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss RB 239/6 "Fantina"
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
Mr. V8 191/7
MISS RB 145/7
RB Ranch

Please pay good attention to “Fantina”, she is a growthy, very long and big footed with a heavy bone heifer. She’s put together nicely with plenty of attributes for her to develop into a class topper. Her dam is a full sister to Miss RB 789/5, the Houston and World Congress Reserve Senior Champion and her sire is none other than Mr. V8 191/7, the 2014 Reserve International Champion at Houston and sire of the 2017 International Grand Champion at Houston whose dam Miss V8 464/6 is the World Congress Senior and Grand Champion Female. In Miss RB 239/6 you may fi nd the representation of two very prominent cows, at the top the World Congress Senior and Grand Champion female and at the bottom the World Congress Senior Reserve Champion cow. Great genetics!


RB Ranch is reserving the right to 2 IVF Flushes after 239/6 Show Career

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Other Lot Images
Sire - Mr. V8 191/7
Sire - Mr. V8 191/7
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Dam - Ms RB 789/54

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