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Lot 9 - Miss M2 442/1

High bid
4 years 39 weeks 3 days 15 hours 6 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss M2 442/1
JDH Mr. Pasuar Manso
Miss V8 461/6
BW: 3.6 WW: 25.4 YW: 37.7 M: 9.5
JH Genetics

Miss M2 442/1 is an outstanding grey Brahman cow that combines two of the breeds most recognized ranches in J.D. Hudgins, Inc. and V8 Ranch.  The sire to 442/1 is JDH Mr. Pasuar Manso who has 5 of the 6 animals in his pedigree reaching either Maternal Merit, Maternal Performance Sire or Maternal Merit status.  The dam to 442/1 is out of the International Champion, Vanguard Sire and one of the world’s most widely used sires (+)JDH Karu Manso 800 and a daughter of JDH Julio Manso who was sold to Colombia and +Miss V8 666/3, the dam to Mr. V8 777/4 “Powerstroke”.  You simply cannot create a more maternally or performance oriented pedigree.  Not only is 442/1 backed by a proven pedigree but view her moderation, volume, and muscle which should indicate that she will be easy keeping.  This top female sells heavy bred to a Buzzard Hollow Ranch Fleckvieh Simmental Bull.  The offspring from this cross has been sought after both by commercial cattlemen and Brahman breeders as recipients due to their adaptability and milking ability.  You can’t go wrong with this purchase!


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