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Lot 9 - Miss L2 J Los Jayne 179

High bid
7 years 45 weeks 4 days 8 hours 11 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 J Los Jayne 179
Brahman Show Heifer Prospect
JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7
Miss V8 326/7
L2 Ranch

Ms L2 179

This female is truly a sale highlight! A beautiful powerhouse female with loads of femininity, bone, depth, thickness and standing on a great set of feet and legs. Sired by the sire of champions, JDH Shank Manso 51/7, a bull that is no stranger to the breed. Shank is sired by none other than the great Lawford Manso bull and out of Alexo Daughter. This baby dolls dam is the great V8 326/7 donor and an own daughter of Karu 800 and out of a Superstroke cow. 326/7 is a genetic full sibling to the V8 137/7 “Diva” cow. This donor has been a great producer for us with her 1 st flushing bringing in over $50,000. Lot 9 really combines everything from a great pedigree to the look of a great on. We have high hopes for this female, we really believe she will grow into a great one. We have started halter breaking this heifer. If you wish to have her broke, we will pay Brandy Barnes for the first 30 days of halter breaking. We are selling 100% possession. L2 Ranch reserves the right to 2 successful IVF aspirations following the completion of her show career and 1 st natural calf at our expense.

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Sire - JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7
Sire - JDH Sir Shank Manso 51/7
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Dam - Miss V8 326/7

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