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Lot 9 - Miss 4F 64/9 #1000349

High bid
5 years 17 weeks 3 days 10 hours 5 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss 4F 64/9 #1000349
Mr. V8 794/7 #941010
Miss 4F Polled Prima Donna 22/7 #1000349
BW: 2.6 WW: 25.8 YW: 41.7 M: 6.5

They don’t come any more eye appealing and well bred with genetic predictors for extreme growth and muscle than this elite heifer.  She is sound from the ground up, heavy boned, straight in her lines with beautiful pigmentation.  She was one of the first calves born from the former show bull and leading BRC Ranch polled sire Mr. V8 794/7.  Many will remember 794/7 when he graced the front of the Brahman Journal with his eye appealing dark color and majestic build.  The sire of Mr. V8 794/7 is the Reserve International Champion and proven sire +Mr. V8 191/7 while his dam is Miss V8 510/6 who is obviously proven with 794/7, Mr. V8 279/7, and Miss V8 100/7 (National Champion & Dam of “Noble”) to her credit.  To further compliment this pedigree the dam to 64/9 is a former show heifer Miss 4F Prima Donna 22/7 (P) who has already produced two show heifers from this mating that two juniors will be campaigning this year.  It should also be noted that Prima Donna is a full sister to LMC 4F Polled Diva 46/6 that is a leading donor for us and La Muneca Cattle Co.  The sire of Prima Donna is LMC Polled Sambo who has been an exceptional sire with over 100 registered progeny and her dam is our flagship donor JDH Lady Manso 993 the dam of many of our best animals.  To complete this package 64/9 ranks in the top of the breed for WW, YW and Ribeye Area which will add value to her as a breeding piece.

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Sire: Mr. V8 794/7
Sire: Mr. V8 794/7

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