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Lot 9 - LMC Polled Amigo 102/7

High bid
5 years 35 weeks 4 days 1 min 1 sec ago
Lot Information:
Lot 9 - LMC Polled Amigo 102/7
LMC Polled Samson 352/8
LMC Polled Diana 21/3
BW 0.5, WW 19.9, YW 29.0, Milk 5.1
La Muneca Cattle Co.

Lot 9 


102/7 is a good looking LMC GOLDEN CROSS being sired by a Pistolero son and an Ambassador daughter. It works every time!!  As you can see, Polled Samson is A BEEF MACHINE like both of his parents and this bull’s dam is a box car. She is out of a beautiful Koontz Ranch cow that is also the dam of the LMC Polled Blue Belle cow that was Calf Champion at the All American for Mary Kate Walters. We did not buy many horned cows to start with unless they were special and this Koontz cow was special. 

We were truly blessed to have had both Pistolero and Ambassador as our first two POLLED herd sires as both have left a major impact on the Brahman breed. We are using both sons, daughters, grand sons and granddaughters today and they cross so well. This bull has the potential to be a really good sire in a Brahman, F-1 and or commercial program. He will continue to grow and thicken up for a few years as do all Brahmans. He is two years old, fertility tested and ready to go breed cows.


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LMC Polled Samson is the sire to Lots 8 and 9

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