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Lot 9 - Full page four color ad - The Brahman Journal

High bid
10 years 13 weeks 5 hours 16 sec ago
Lot Information:
Full page four color ad - The Brahman Journal

Donor: The Brahman Journal

We are selling a full page four color ad in the Brahman Journal.  We THANK Vicky & Carl Lambert for their generosity and for all they do to promote the Brahman breed throughout the year with their Brahman Journal magazine.  We appreciate the many miles that Vicky travels every year all over the Brahman World promoting our great breed. She understands the impact that the Brahman breed has on the Brahman World and does a great job of promoting our genetics to these foreign markets. This ad must be used by 12-31-2015.

100% of the proceeds will go to the La Muneca & Friends ANIMO Award that will be awarded every year at the AJBA All American Banquet to a unique AJBA member of any age that possesses what ANIMO stands for - spirit, commitment, desire, energy, passion, leadership and volunteerism. It will be a $1,000 award with the recipient being selected by the ABBA Youth Activities Committee Chairman, ABBA President, All American Coordinator, ABBA Executive Vice President and a Guerra Family Member. The funds will be managed by the AJBA.


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