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Lot 9 - Butler Montebello 143

High bid
5 years 43 weeks 6 days 6 hours 26 min ago
Lot Information:
Butler Montebello 143
Sardo Negeo Heifer

The Greatest Shortcut

Instead of learning enough Spanish to go to Mexico by yourself to buy cattle, dealing with two governments exporting cattle from Mexico and importing them to Texas, figuring out how to comply 100% with the quarantine process and dealing with domestic attempts to derail you, now you can purchase the results of all of my hard work without going to all the trouble. Butler Montebello 143 is pure imported Sardo Negro genetics from Mexico. I bought her dam *RYRGO MISS MONTEBELLO at the National Sardo Negro Show in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico in 2013.  She stood second in a strong class of females that day. Butler Montebello 143 is the result of breeding her to the imported #MAAS MARIACHI IA bull from Miguel Angel Aramburo. Now that Sardo Negro has been recognized as a breed in the US, it is poised for tremendous growth. Get ahead of the learning curve and shorten the earning curve by securing your place at the headwaters of this great breed of cattle. We expect Butler Montebello 143 to develop into a great donor cow to propel this breed into tomorrow. Sardo Negros were developed in Mexico as a dual purpose animal flexible enough to be used in the beef and dairy industries. They are getting a lot of traction now in US and Australia and interest from all over the tropical world is at a fever pitch. Be SMART and take advantage of this shortcut to success!

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RYRGO MISS MONTEBELLO 009 Dam of Butler Montebello 143
RYRGO MISS MONTEBELLO 009 Dam of Butler Montebello 143
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