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Lot 9 - 3 head of ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Hereford F-1 Pairs with Angus sired calves

High bid
4 years 13 weeks 4 days 10 hours 43 min ago
Lot Information:
Age: 32-33 months
3 head of ABBA Golden Certified Brahman X Hereford F-1 Pairs with Angus sired calves

Price = Bid X 3

This pen of three F-1 Pairs are sired by Registered Brahman bulls from J.D. Hudgins, Inc.  and out of Registered Hereford cows.  These females have 2 month old Angus sired calves by Schaff Angus Valley bulls.  The females are Golden Certified through the American Brahman Breeders Association validating their breed purity and insuring that maximum heterosis and the benefits from both parent breeds are expressed.


ID                          DOB                      Weight                 Sex of Calf

8434                     2-12-2018           1108                     Bull

8585                     2- 6-2018             1120                     Heifer

8673                     3-1-2018              930                       Bull

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