Grade 9 - HOGS - Hello my name is Dakota Stephens. For the 2020 RCFA show, I raised a market barrow that I named Champ (because he’s a champion to me no matter what!). Champ happened to be the best pig I have ever had a chance to show at the RCFA show, and Champ and I are extremely saddened that we couldn’t walk through the show ring together this year. I originally planned (and still plan on) using the money from the sale to invest back into my next year’s market hog. I am optimistic about next year’s show and hope that this money will give me a better chance at bringing a great hog to the RCFA show next year! I appreciate the opportunity that I’ve been given to still earn money in this premium sale and would like you to know that every penny counts! THANK YOU very much, Dakota!