Grade 4 - HOGS - Hi! My name is Aspyn Shaunfield. I am a member of Bremond 4H and I am a 4th grader at Bremond Elementary school. This would have been my second year of showing swine. I would like you to meet “Pepper”. She is my project for the 2020 Robertson County Fair. She weighs 210 pound and she is a really good pig. She is very playful but she does really good when I walk her. She is much less stubborn than my pig from last year. I have spent a lot of time feeding and walking her. I have learned so much more this year about how to raise pigs and I have also learned more about how to show. I was looking forward to competing in showmanship. My dad showed pigs when he was younger and it was neat to get to learn from him. I am sad I don’t get to show her but understand why. I want to thank you for supporting us during this time and I am looking forward to showing next year!