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Lot 8 - Wade Stallones

High bid
4 years 46 weeks 5 days 14 hours 25 min ago
Lot Information:
Wade Stallones

Final price is 2 Times the Bid Price

I have Brangus heifers purchased from 4S Ranch (breeder Glenn Stallones). Brangus
cattle is a great breed to raise in Texas because of their heat tolerance due to their Brahman
influence. Their Angus influence makes them very fertile, as well as great milk producers which
are both great characteristics of a quality heifer.  
My heifers live about 2 miles from my house on my grandpa’s land, also known as 4S
Ranch. Our lot provides access to a hay ring, bulk feeder, water trough, working pens, and a
shed.  I can easily check on my heifers by riding through the pasture. When we go to check on
the heifers we make sure they have clean water and hay, and also the condition of the pen and
the fencing. We also check the condition of the heifers to make sure that they look healthy and
don’t have any injuries. 
This is my second year to have any project in the Robertson County Fair. The reason I
chose to show commercial heifers is because I feel like it is the most beneficial project to help
prepare for future real world experiences. For example, through this project I have learned the
importance of good record keeping skills and calculating the expense of my project, including
monthly feed expense. Furthermore, practicing to prepare for my interview will help me with
my communication skills.  One of my main focuses this year was to learn details about the
Estrous Cycle, which I planned to present details about during my interview.  I have learned
many things about cattle through this project, such as how to select an appropriate bull for my
heifers, when is the appropriate time to breed heifers, and also characteristics of healthy
heifers. Through this program I also learned the importance of displaying good character in
raising livestock projects, and in every aspect of life.  All of these aspects of this project will be
beneficial to me when I get older and consider having my own cattle operation.  


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