We are offering our BEST!!! In this sale we are offering an aspiration on one of our top young donors. VL Elena 20/0 completed her show career in Houston 2023 where she placed 2nd in the Senior Cow Class but was certainly one of the “peoples favorites”. You have to like the powerful build of this female and her outstanding udder. Not only is she built right but study her pedigree that combines some of the most proven animals to ever roam Santa Elena Ranch. The sire to 20/0 is the 1999 National Champion Bull and one of our most influential sires +VL Rojo Bravo 6/125. This legendary sire produced numerous show winners and many of our top females. The dam to 20/0 is +VL Elena 165/4 who is one of the most influential donors at Santa Elena Ranch with 63 registered progeny. A few of her most notable progeny are the International Champion +VL Elena 4/165 and the herd sire VL Rojo Designer 2/75.
You are likely wondering why we are selling an aspiration on this outstanding horned cow in a polled sale. In the profile picture you see the first calf out of 20/0 that is by VL Rojo Mocho 5/140 and is POLLED. We sold this heifer to Thailand at the International Brahman Show for $20,000. Due to the superiority of this calf we wanted to offer the opportunity to duplicate this mating. Of course, you can use your own bull or semen from another sire if you so desire.
Selling is the opportunity to aspirate VL Elena 20/0 one time with a guarantee of 6 embryos and two 60 day pregnancies. The procedure is to be done at Trans Ova Genetics in Bryan, Texas.