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Lot 8 - TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z x TH 43P 743 Cassandra 34X - 3 Embryos

High bid
9 years 49 weeks 1 day 10 hours 8 min ago
Lot Information:
TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z x TH 43P 743 Cassandra 34X - 3 Embryos
TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z
TH 43P 743 Cassandra 34X

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Sire EPDs: BW: 4.0 WW: 56 YW: 93 M: 23 M+G: 51 SC: .5 Fat: .018 REA: .50 Marb: .45

Dam EPDs: BW: 4.6 WW: 52 YW: 85 M: 22 M+G: 48 SC: .6 Fat: -.007 REA: .35 Marb: .12

34X, the cornerstone donor of DFH, a daughter of About Time 743 mated to TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z.  A bull that stems from the maternal sire Victor 755T known for his tremendous females with ideal udders combined with Gemni 89T cow family.  WOW what a mating!  Seize the opportunity here.


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