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Lot 8 - SRW MR. FLYING W 4515/0

High bid
3 years 20 weeks 3 days 10 hours 41 min ago
Lot Information:
Sire: JTB OVERSEER 1032-1391-5
BW: 0 - ADG: 2.62 - ADJ REA: 12.85 - ADJ IMF: 2.59 - SC: 33
Consignor: Flying W Ranch

Once again Flying W Ranch participated in the ABBA Performance Bull Test. We have two bulls in the sale this year and have made it every year since test started in 2015. Our cattle are bred with commercial cattleman in mind with low birth weights high calving ease for production , fertility with great maternal values . We have line bred our genetics since 1974 with these goals in mind. Our bulls produce feminine thick females with clean underlines and great udders. All this means problem free cattle which should be all cattleman’s goal  . Our bulls produced the Champion pen of open F1 heifers at the 2021 ABBA National F1 sale  in Caldwell. They were owned  by Clay Richardson of Ozona Tx. Our bulls work for him and they will work for you. We have more bulls for sale at the ranch some of which went thru the test.
For more information call Steve Wilkins at 325 226 1894 or email at and on face book at Flying W Ranch

SRW Mr Flying W 451 is a well made, thick muscled bull that is visually attractive. He is deep ribbed and flanked, clean sheathed and very correct in every way. He is breed to be good. His Sire is JTB Overseer 1391 (a JTB Enterprise son), is the last bull I purchased from my good friend Jim Bob Trant. His Dam is out of JTB Cicero and a beautiful SRW Mr. Flying W 277 daughter. This bull combines JTB line bred genetics going back to JDH Mr. Crosby Manso with our genetics, that since 1974, have been bread for great production, fertility and maternal traits. Our 49 Maternal Merit attest to our commitment. In this years test 451 was the 8th high indexing bull. He had the 2nd lowest birth wt epd as well as one of the largest Rib eye Areas in the sale. This is a bull that will work as a herd sire or as a commercial bull and do the job well .His epds back this up. He is in the top 10% for BW epd as well as the top 4 % for calving ease but still top 40% for weaning weight and top 4 % for milk . We would have no problem keeping this extremely gentle good natured bull with such a stacked pedigree.

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