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Lot 8 - SHF Lady M326 U33 ET x C Stockman 2059 ET - 3 Embryos

High bid
10 years 47 weeks 3 days 6 hours 38 min ago
Lot Information:
SHF Lady M326 U33 ET x C Stockman 2059 ET Embryos
C Stockman 2059 ET
SHF Lady M326 U33 ET
CE: +2.2 BW: +2.7 WW: +52 YW: +78 MM: +25 M&G: +51 CEM: +3.6 MCW: +88 SC: +1.5 FAT: -0.021 REA: +0.45 MARB: +0.21 BMI: +$27 CEZ: +$19 BII: +$25 CHB: +$30

Final Price is 3 x Bid Price

Consigned by: Grubbs Cattle

Fresh carcass, maternal and stylish genetics! U33 is a full sister to SHF Wonder M326 W18 ET who sired WHC Grand Champion, Remitall-West Game Day and Denver Grand Champion, NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET.  U33 sold for $25,000 going to NJW, Upstream and Grubbs and has been a prolific producer for them.  These embryos are sired by the current NWSS Reserve Grand Champion and Ft Worth Grand Champion, C Stockman 2059 ET.  Stockman is a full sib to $600,000 and NWSS Supreme Champion, C Miles McKee 2103 ET and is out of the immortal C Notice Me ET who produced over $1,750,000 in actual progeny sales. If you are in need of stout and stylish calves with carcass and maternal built in then look no further.  Contact consignor for shipping instructions.  Buyer responsible for shipping costs.  Grubbs Cattle- Ryan Grubbs, 817.366.6376

Other Lot Images
C Stockman 2059 ET
C Stockman 2059 ET
Other Lot Images
C Miles McKee - Full Brother to Stockman
C Miles McKee - Full Brother to Stockman

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