Check out this beautiful red tinged, long, level, and feminine made female that results from crossing one of the hottest young sires with one of the most proven dams in the breed. The sire to RedSmith Tammy Manso 33/2 is Mr. H Breaker Manso 103/7 who was a former show bull with division wins at both the National & International Shows. Following Breaker’s successful show career he has become one of the breeds most proven sires due to the success of his offspring accumulating class and division wins in ABBA Approved Open Shows and the superior quality of his semen resulting in multiple pregnancies. Breaker is sired by the International Champion and Performance Trait Leader +Mr. V8 960/5 and out of a top daughter of the Vanguard Sire (+)JDH Sir Liberty Manso and one of the most maternally oriented females in the breed. The dam to this genetically superior female is +JDH Miss Julia Manso 226/0 who is best known as producing the 2018 National Champion and 2019 International Champion, BRC Sweetie 486/8. Julia is a daughter of the breed icon and National Champion +JDH Elmo Manso and out of a proven dam that has already produced one herd sire and two more donor dams. We think this female has a lot to offer as a breeding piece!