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10 years 42 weeks 5 hours 21 min 49 sec ago
Lot Information:
Final Price is 10 x Bid Price       
2 Units of Polled Brahman Semen on LMC Polled Samson 352/8 (P), LMC Polled Integrity 93/0 (P), LMC Poll Aussie 293/7 (ET) (P), LMC Apollo 265/9 (P) and LMC Polled Madison 133/0 (P) – TOTAL OF 10 UNITS OF SEMEN, 2 UNITS PER BULL
In an effort to share our best with you, we are offering a semen package made up of ten units of semen- two from each of five of our POLLED Brahman Junior Herd Sires. You can use them any way you want. We will supply one AI certificate per unit of semen. After that we will provide them at $100 per AI certificate.  The bulls are all POLLED.   LMC Apollo, LMC Polled Aussie and LMC Polled Samson are sired by LMC WFF Pistolero.  Apollo is out of our JDH Charley’s Jazz donor. Aussie is out of “Donna”.  Samson is out of our number one cow – “Samantha”.  The other two bulls are sired by our popular LMC LF Ambassador who is phenomenal. They are LMC Polled Integrity and Polled Madison.  All five of these bulls are doing an outstanding job for our partners and us.
LMC Apollo’s first six calves have averaged $11,600 with plenty more coming next year.  We own Apollo with Chris Brasher and Ray Rodriguez.  LMC Polled Aussie’s first three daughters averaged us $6,000 at weaning. Our partner Beto Salinas is super happy with his Aussie babies and has sold several high dollar sons into Mexico.  We have not bred Polled Samson yet but plan to this season and our partner, Larry Campbell is very pleased with his calves.  All three of these bulls are BEEF MACHINES.
Ava Barker, our partner on LMC Polled Madison just weaned her first set of Polled Madison calves and says “  Carlos, I think that is the smartest move I have made buying into Polled Madison!! Thank you!! “ Ava
Polled Pathfinder, one of  Polled Madison's first sons looks like he is going to be better than his sire.  He is awesome!!  LMC Polled Integrity’s first three calves have produced a better son, LMC Polled Dignity and the double polled LMC Polled Cassie who sold for $10,000 in the 2014 prestigious ABBA Houston Sale to Kelly Barnard..  She is fantastic.  Integrity is owned with Kelly Barnard who has one of the best POLLED herds in the Brahman World.
You can buy this lot, flush or IVF one or more donors and produce your share of tomorrow’s top selling POLLED Brahmans with the freshest genes available. This lot is designed to assist juniors, small and large breeders to capitalize on many different matings used to produce this great set of POLLED bulls.  Do not miss this great genetic and economic opportunity!!!!!! 
Other Lot Images
$10,000 LMC Polled Cassie that sold at Houston ABBA Sale to Kell Barnard Sired by LMC Polled Integrity.
$10,000 LMC Polled Cassie that sold at Houston ABBA Sale to Kell Barnard Sired by LMC Polled Integrity.
Other Lot Images
Champion LMC Polled Goodness sired by LMC Apollo
Champion LMC Polled Goodness sired by LMC Apollo
Other Lot Images
E3 Polled Pathfinder son of LMC Polled Madison
E3 Polled Pathfinder son of LMC Polled Madison

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