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Lot 8 - Miss Z6 Dubina 125/0 - Show Heifer

High bid
3 years 5 weeks 9 hours 15 min 39 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss Z6 Dubina 125/0
Sire: JDH Mr. Devan Manso 600/0
Dam: Miss Dubina Rose 247/8
Show Heifer
Z6 Cattle Company


Miss Z6 Dubina 125/0 is a show heifer who recently won her class at the county show for a junior exhibitor.  Not only is this female attractively built being growthy, heavy structured, long, level, and beefy but comes backed by a proven pedigree.  She is sired by JDH Mr. Devan Manso 600/0 who is a son of the former show bull JDH Mr. Crush Manso and out of the proven Register of Renown Cow with 55 progeny, +JDH Lady Maria Manso.  The dam to 125/0 as indicated by her name is a cow that was purchased from Dubina Rose Ranch that is sired by the National Champion and proven sire +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9 and Miss Dubina Rose 44/0 who was sold to Brett Nobbs in Australia.  125/0 offers a unique genetic profile that is low for Birth Weight and ranks in the top 40% of the breed for Ribeye Area and Marbling. 

Study this heifer closely as she us gentle, well bred, and extremely attractive!

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Sire: JDH Mr. Devan Manso 600/0
Sire: JDH Mr. Devan Manso 600/0
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Maternal Grand Sire : +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9
Maternal Grand Sire : +DF Mr. Snowman 91/9

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