Miss WCC Cora demands the attention of everyone that visits the ranch. She’s one of the strongest show heifer prospects we’ve seen offered this fall, “Cora” is sure to turn heads. Just look at her length of side, square hip structure and overall rib shape. Juniors this is a powerhouse show heifer prospect with an excellent disposition!
The sire of “Cora”, JDH San Antonio 881/4 was bred by Mark Forgason of J.D. Hudgins Inc. JDH San Antonio is a +JDH Elmo Manso 309/4 son and out of a +JDH Atlas Manso 328 daughter (our favorite cow in Mark’s herd). We’ve used this herd sire to produce outstanding outcrosses for our red program. While “Cora” did not come out a dark red color, that’s irrelevant to what this female can do for her future owner. We think she’s the kind you can build a herd around.
“Cora’s” dam is known in the Brahman world. BB Bronson’s Hurricane was bred by Kevin Bryant but shown by the Troy Thibadeaux family, she was a consistent winner from 2011-2013. This BB Bronson sired female is one of the most unique females we own, she’s now a proven donor for us and we feel that “Cora” is not only one of her top offspring of 2015, but one of our best heifers born at the ranch. The “Bronson’s Hurricane” cow has produced outstanding cattle not only for us but also the Jose Antonio Jimenez family of Mexico. Watkins Cattle Company reserve 2 IVF aspirations following her first calf.
Miss WCC Cora has been started on a show ration and will be gentled down, ready to halter break if the buyer choses to show her. Watkins Cattle would like to leave “Cora” on her recipient mother until mid-late October. Additionally, We recommend Tic Tac Toe Ranch for all your halter breaking and showing needs at a negotiated rate of $13/day.