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Lot 8 - Miss V8 782/6

High bid
12 years 25 weeks 6 days 15 hours 40 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss V8 782/6
Mr. V8 815/5
Miss V8 163/6
BW: 2.7 WW: 15.6 YW: 20.8 M: 10.4

If you like the 380 and Superstroke bloodlines then this lot is one to carefully study. Miss V8 782/6 is a Tommy Bahama daughter who is long, deep bodied, and heavy muscled. The Tommy Bahama females are known to be great producers and great cows. When you study this pedigree, the name that has to jump out at you is the +Miss V8 165/4 cow. This female represents the best of the best for V8 Ranch. 165 is past International champion and more impressively she produced three different International champion daughters. This cow family is full of tried and true producers who carry the most highly demanded bloodlines V8 has to offer. She sells exposed to +Mr. V8 380/6 and has a very high performing bull calf at side also by +Mr. V8 380/6, born 5/10/12. This bull calf has show and herd sire potential. These 380 genetics are the leading new bloodline at V8 Ranch and are in extreme high demand and rarely sold outside of our herd. Here’s a  great opportunity to get both the outstanding 165 cow family AND the 380 influence in a guaranteed pair but possibly a 3-N-1 lot.

Update: Lot 8 was palpated on Sunday evening and is confirmed 2 months bred back to +Mr. V8 380/6. She is a confirmed 3-N-1 lot

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