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Lot 8 - Miss L2 Jazzys Jaclyn 205

High bid
7 years 18 weeks 2 days 15 hours 3 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 Jazzys Jaclyn 205
Heifer calf; show prospect
RLB Mr 281
Miss L2 Jazzy 21
L2 Ranch

Lot 8

Miss L2 Jazzy Jaclyn 205

Junior Show heifer deluxe. Look at the style this female has. She is super long, level hipped, deep bodied, beautiful up through her front end, and super feminine. She is sired by our outcross bull, RLB Mr 281, is a JDK Fusig son and out of a Karu bred cow. 281 has worked really well on our cows as far as added style and uniformity to our cattle. 205’s dam is the Florida State Fair Champion and Register of Renown Cow +Miss L2 Jazzy 21, a cow that has been producing our top claves, including the 2017 Premier Brahman female of Florida. I promise you this female will not disappoint as she will breed true to her kind. This cow family is a very productive, excellent uddered moderate framed cattle that breed every year and raise a good calf year after year. If you miss out on this female don’t be upset when she beats you because she is that good!

L2 Ranch reserves the right to 1 successful IVF aspiration at our expense following the completion of her show career and 1 st natural calf.

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Sire - RLB Mr 281
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Dam - Miss L2 Jazzy 21

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