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Lot 8 - Miss L2 133

High bid
8 years 45 weeks 1 day 20 hours 52 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss L2 133
JDH Mr. Manso 423
Miss V8 14/7

133 is one that will turn your head when you see her.  Another female sired by the JDH 423 bull that we leased from JDH Forgason Division.  423 is a Charley 946/1 and Sarasota bred bull.  133’s Dam is Miss V8 14/7 a V8 960/5 Daughter.  960/5 was the 2006 International Champion bull and out of a Karu 800 Daughter.  This females pedigree combines some of the breeds greatest such as Superstroke 287/5, Karu 800, 777/4, 552/5, 614/5, she is destined for greatness.  Feminine, great pigment, heavy boned, thick made from end to end, eye appeal, great disposition.  Please consider Lot 8 for a top donor or Champion Show heifer.  L2 Ranch will provide semen on Mr. L2 Divas Gator to breed this female with if buyer chooses to do so.

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