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Lot 8 - Miss Double A 354/1

High bid
4 years 22 weeks 3 days 14 hours 36 sec ago
Lot Information:
Miss Double A 354/1
HPP Mr. Tabasco 177/3
Miss Double A 321/5

This EXTREMELY FLASHY female puts all the parts together. She really catches your eye on the move and knows she's good!  She carries her depth all the way through her flank and stands on a great foot.  She is as level topped as you'd want one and still manages to combine femininity together with a powerful amount of muscle.  She is sired by one of our lead imported bulls, HPP Mr. Tabasco 177/3, that has brought many great traits into our herd, such as fantastic maternal traits and producing functional all around cattle.  She is out of a female, Miss Double A 321/5, who has by far earned her keep in our operation and has proven herself over the years and is a 15 year old cow raising top females like this one here shows the longevity of this cow family!    This is a female that we are excited to watch grow and could go on to do great in your operation in many different categories!


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Sire: HPP Mr. Tabasco 177/3
Sire: HPP Mr. Tabasco 177/3
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