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Lot 8 - Miss CBR 591/5

High bid
7 years 43 weeks 4 days 13 hours 37 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss CBR 591/5
SRS Private Practice 932
Miss CBR 480/0

Breeding age female sired by SRS “Private Practice” and exposed to Mr WCC Maximus Rojo 82/4.

  • Tremendous length, rib shape, bone and style
  • Stands on excellent feet and legs
  • Dark cherry red color Breeding age red females are hard to come by and she’s a good one!
  • Pivotal breeding piece for someone serious about quality red genetics.
  • Heifer is located in Chilton, Texas
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 591/5 sells exposed to Mr. WCC Maximus 82/4!
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 SRS Private Practice 932, outstanding +Winchester Magnum son, full brother to the famous “Troubadour” and sire of Miss CBR 591/

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