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Lot 8: Miss BER Southern Pearl 969

High bid
1 year 12 weeks 5 days 20 hours 56 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss BER Southern Pearl 969
Mr. Pablo 25/4
Miss BER 308

Miss BER Southern Pearl 969 is a full sister to Lot 10 - Miss BER Oopsie Daisey 973.  969 has our favorite genetics in her pedigree. Her dam Miss BER Pearl 308 is one of our favorite donors on the ranch.  She was a show heifer that won a lot of banners and has out produced herself. She has one of our favorite summer born heifers behind the house right now. 969 will make a great donor cow. She comes from our best cow family. Her dam 308 produced Miss BER Julia 536 won Reserve Grand Champion Female at the 2nd largest ABBA Show Kickoff Classic among other championships. Miss BER 308’s dam Miss BER 246 won TJBA Reserve Grand Champion Grey Female Bred and Owned 2009. Miss BER 246 is out of Miss BER 203 that was Reserve Grand Champion Grey Female at the ALL American 2004 and Grand Champion Grey Female Bred and Owned All American 2004. Miss BER 246 Sire is Rock 846/5 a 2- time International Champion Bull that produced numerous donors for Bulls Eye Ranch.  Miss BER 308 ‘S Sire Mr. BER 252 won TJBA Calf Champion 2008, 2009 TJBA Grand Champion Bred and Owned Grey Bull, 2009 Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Bull at All American and 2009 Reserve Grand Champion Kickoff Classic Bred and Owned Grey Bull. On the top side of 969’s pedigree are famous bulls of the Brahman Breed such as JDH Sir Lawford Manso 616/6 and Mr. V8 777/4. Both bulls have produced numerous Champions around the world. This is the kind of cow that can have a impact your herd in the right direction.

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