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Lot 8 - Miss BER Cowgirl 855 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
2 years 9 weeks 1 day 18 hours 57 min ago
Lot Information:
Miss BER Cowgirl 855
Sire: JDH Rainier Manso
Dam: Miss BER Ramona 557
Bulls Eye Ranch

Miss BER Cowgirl 855 is a complete made replacement female that offers one of the most balanced genetic profiles in the sale that charts positive for 12 of the 16 measured traits.  Study the sire of this female that is sired by one of the most influential bulls in the breed (+) JDH Sir Liberty Manso and out of a daughter of the Maternal Performance Sire and Reserve International Champion (=)JDH Berkman Manso.  The dam to Cowgirl combines some of the all-time greats in the Bulls Eye Ranch herd to include the National Show Division Winner +Mr. BER Cash 336, the International Champion +Mr. V8 846/5 “The Rock”, and one of the matriarchs of their herd +BNA Miss Nel Manso 234/9.  Don’t miss this beautiful female that combines the essentials of Pedigree, Performance, and Phenotype! 


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