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Lot 8 - LMC LF Simbrah Herd Bull/Club Calf Prospect

High bid
9 years 45 weeks 4 days 23 hours 7 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Barrandero B30
Hagans Ante Up
LMC BETM Walflower 5W300
5.7, 70.9, 97.6, 17

Here is a super fancy herd bull prospect that is a full sib to the Adelante bull (see photo below) that we own with Joe B and Nelda Rodriguez from La Morra Ranch. Their dam is the LMC BETM Walflower donor that we sold them. She has done them a fantastic job and is the #2 cow in their 1 - 2 punch of donor power behind the famous LMC M9 cow.  They sold a half interest in a JW Black daughter to Ronnie Smith for 10 g's in the MAS Sale held at the RGV Show ballroom.

His sire is the International Champion Hagan's Ante Up who is A BEEF MACHINE now owned by Gumaro Valdez from Monterrey Mexico.  We think that Adelante is the best Ante Up son produced to date and plan to use him in our program to add some new blood and his powerful look, bone, muscle, clean sheath and color pattern.

If you study the bone, hip design, muscle shape and extension throughout, you will agree that this bull calf even though he is horned will improve any cow you breed him to. If you want a great club calf producer or a great show steer to compete with at the majors, here he is. Do not miss him. He is halter broke and ready to go.  You can wear out a new set of tires and not find a better American club calf.

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Sire - Hagan's Ante Up - International Champion
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