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Lot 8 - Karlyne Urbina - Steer

High bid
3 years 48 weeks 5 days 3 hours 8 min ago
Lot Information:
Exhibitor: Karlyne Urbina
Club: Brighton 4-H Steer
Weight: 1204

Lot 8 - #22 - Karlyne Urbina: Hello, My name is Karlyne Urbina and I am showing a steer and a heifer. My steer name is Twenty Two and my heifers name is Honey. This is my 4th year showing a steer and my second year showing a heifer. My heifer came out of my first 4-H heifer. I am starting my own herd so that my younger siblings don’t have to buy any steers or heifers from someone else’s pasture. Also spent most of my childhood in my great grandfather’s pasture. His pasture has inspired me to start my own cattle herd.

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