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Lot 8 - JDH Lady Manso 927 (C 914589)

High bid
11 years 17 weeks 5 days 10 hours 36 min ago
Lot Information:
JDH Lady Manso 927 (C 914589)
JDH MR MANSO 579/4 (B 838540)
JDH LADY MANSO 705/4 (C 844259)
BW: 2.3 WW: 16.7 YW: 26.1 M: 6.9

Beautiful, thick made, and dark pigmented, 927 is a great cow prospect. She is a correct made female, carrying lots of natural thickness, and walks out on a smooth easy stride. Her sire is our 579/4 bull, a dark pigmented bull who has provided us with many replacement females as well as some powerful herd sires. 927’s dam is a combination of many great Forgason sires including; Charley’s Jazz, Atlas, Copano, and Charley 590. If you are looking for a moderate complete female to use in your breeding program she fits the bill.

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