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Lot 8 - J7N Epifany E42

High bid
6 years 46 weeks 6 days 4 hours 23 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Epifany E42
LMC ATZ Dr Feel Good
Cumbia Linda N12
CE -0.5; BW 5.5; WW 64.4; YW 93.9; API 56.9; TI 51.7

J7N Epifany E42

DOB: 11/3/2017

ASA # 3348183

Polled Purebred Simbrah Show Prospect

Talk about a beautifully designed heifer, take a good hard look at J7N Epifany. She is stout enough to compete but her show look appearance is what grabs you right away. She’s got the beautiful front end with that long, clean neck, big square top, leveled hip and stout enough to compete with the best of them. Boy oh boy, we’d like to have a pasture full of beauties like this one.

Epifany’s dam, Cumbia Linda, goes back to one of our first calves ever born at our place. Cumbia Linda goes back to a Tackitt Rocking T cow (730) that we purchased from our friend, Glenda Whitley. Cumbia Linda’s maternal sister is J7N Wildflower which produced J7N Dinela, campaigned successfully by Caleb Richardson. Linda is an older cow but we have always liked her and she has produced several show quality calves, mainly steers. We decided to IVF her before it got too late so we chose LMC ATZ Dr Feel Good and she made 42 female sorted embryos. Fertile, Fertile, Fertile!!!!

Epifany’s sire needs no introduction to the Simbrah world. LMC ATZ Dr Feel Good, is one of the most successful and proven producer of quality show calves. He has sired champions like RGV LMC DR Beauty (2012 LMC $ellabration Champion Heifer), LMC LN Blackberry (2012 Superbowl Champion Heifer) and LMC Arcadio 5X/116 (2011 National Champion Bull) just to name a few.

J7N Epifany is eligible to show at the Simbrah / Simmental Superbowl and all MAS events. Two units semen from any of La Morra Ranch’s bulls will be made available for use on this heifer.

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