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Lot 8 - J7N Dutchess D50

High bid
7 years 22 weeks 6 days 9 hours 4 min ago
Lot Information:
J7N Dutchess D50
Poll/Scurred Purebred Simbrah Heifer
J7N Payload Z01
J7N Xena X08
# 3242281
BW 5.7; WW 67.2; YW 91.8; API 68; TI 50.9
La Morra Ranch

Selling Full Interest and Full Possession

J7N Dutchess is a moderately framed and correct, solid black powerhouse show heifer prospect. She’s a little meat wagon that has a lot of middle to her, flat hipped, big top and is extremely gentle and is just now hitting her stride on weight gain. She has drawn much attention from visitors at our ranch because of her striking look.

Dutchess’ dam was one of our favorite show heifers of all time, J7N Xena X08 which was successfully shown by Arianna Cantu in the Rio Grande Valley and in San Antonio and Houston. Xena is a BCC Boomerang daughter that was always in the top 10% in show ring during her show career, winning many a buckle for Arianna.

Dutchess’ sire is the powerful J7N Payload who has added muscle power to our calf crop. Payload is out of our premier donor LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9 and LMC Red Moves. He’s packed with muscle, power and passes this trait to his offsprings.

J7N Dutchess is eligible to show at the Simbrah / Simmental Superbowl and all MAS events. Two units semen from any of La Morra’s bulls will be made available for use on this heifer.

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