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Lot 8 - C-P Benita's Ranger 180C9

High bid
8 years 9 weeks 3 days 18 hours 48 min ago
Lot Information:
C-P Benita's Ranger 180C9
Diamond S Ranger 146
JHL's Benita 180
BW: 1 WW: 24 YW: 40 M: 5 Marb: .02

This ET Copperhead son, together with his maternal siblings below, have few peers when it comes to across-the-board EPDs and there are no 2015 vintage bulls that have higher WW, YW, Maternal and Marbling EPD combination.  Likewise, the dam, JHL’s Benita 180, is by herself a trait leader in every EPD category…and she just turned 16 years old.  There are only a few of these animals available – ever. Don’t miss out!

Scan Data 12/17/2016
Weight: 1340
REA: 14.80
REA/CWT: 1.10
IMF: 4.43
Fat: 0.38

Scrotal: 38cm

Selling 100% Possesion and 2/3 Semen Interest

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