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Lot 8 - BCC Susana

High bid
5 years 47 weeks 22 hours 27 min 39 sec ago
Lot Information:
BCC Susana
Purebred Simbrah
BCC Power Driver
BCC Jewel Ree - 2532897
CE 10.0 BW 1.25 WW 60.1 YW 84.9 MM 21.0 API 77.0

Susana is another Purebred Simbrah show heifer prospect that brings together a striking package of length and femininity.  This female is bold sprung throughout the middle portion of her body and carries that all the way through her lower one-third.  She has a great set of feet and legs and tracks out very well as she moves around the pen.  She is one of the longest fronted and longest bodied heifers that we are offering this year, with a huge top and muscle expression.

A phenotypic package like this usually is followed by a good genetic package to carry females into the future and to become top producing cattle for our clients.  Here is no different, combining the Powerman bloodlines and our LMC Red Moves donor, BCC Jewel Ree we have see great females come from this mating time and again.  She is eligible for the Simmental/Simbrah Superbowl and all Baring Cattle Company benefits.  Baring Cattle will offer 2 units of semen from any bulls in our battery at the time of breeding for our clients.

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