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Lot 8 - BCC Magnolia

High bid
8 years 22 weeks 3 days 8 hours 2 min ago
Lot Information:
BCC Magnolia
3/4 Simbrah
WRS Promotion A305
BCC Shes Glamourous
BW 4.5 WW 64.00 YW 95.4 M23.3 API 75.7

3/4 Simbrah

“Mags” has been a beautiful show prospect from the day she was born.  We had a feeling that she would be at the top of our list for our Fall sale and boy did we have it right.  She is as long as a freight train and carries the width from top to bottom to make this heifer a good investment for any program. 

Her dam, BCC Shes Glamorous is one of the latest donors we have put in production that has starting to turn our heads, as this is only her second calf as a young cow.  This young female is out of the National and International Champion, BCC/CHCC Powerman who continues to produce champion after champion in our program.

“Mags” offers unique genetics in a well-balanced design that will be sure to catch your eye as well.  She is eligible for all Baring Cattle Co. benefits as well as 2 units of semen at time of breeding.

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