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Lot 7 - WEW Miss Watkins 424 - Replacement Heifer

High bid
3 years 42 weeks 1 day 12 hours 33 min ago
Lot Information:
WEW Miss Watkins 424
Sire: LEW Mr. Watkins 02
Dam: LEW Lady GR Gran Manso
Watkins Brahmans

WEW Miss Watkins 424 is one of the most performance-oriented females that we are offering as a result of her ranking in the top 15% of the breed for Growth, Milk, and the essential Carcass traits of Ribeye Area and Marbling.  When you study her pedigree this outstanding performance should be expected.  She is sired by a former show bull of Lauren’s that is sired by the many time champion and multiple performance trait leader +Mr. V8 442/6 and out of a International Reserve Division Winner and full sister to the 2010 International Champion Grey Female.  The dam to 424 is a 11 year old cow that is still in our herd that is backed by some of the most productive and proven genetics from Heritage Cattle Company and J.D. Hudgins, Inc.  Unlike many of the “Performance Cattle” 424 is well built and eye appealing as she is heavy structured, high volumed, long, and level. As indicated before we breed for cattle that have strong performance indicators, superior carcass quality, and can survive in the harsh South Texas environment.  Don’t miss out on one of the exclusive opportunities to purchase a female that can be a cornerstone breeding piece.

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Sire: LEW Mr. Watkins 02
Sire: LEW Mr. Watkins 02

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