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Lot 7 - Three Red Brahman Embryos

High bid
7 years 34 weeks 6 days 18 hours 12 min ago
Lot Information:
Three Red Brahman Embryos
+Mr. CT Rojeaux Rhineaux
Miss Triple C 5/4
BW 3.6, WW 17.8, YW 27.3, Milk 8.4
La Muneca & La Negra Cattle Co.

Lot 7

Mr CT Rojeaux Rhineaux x 5/4 embryos

Final price is 3 times the bid price.

Even though we are trying to raise double polled Red Brahamans, we felt it was well worth a try to incorporate the #1 Register of Renown cow - CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9 - into our polled breeding program. We chose to do this by flushing our top polled donor - Miss Triple C 5/4- to Mr CT Rojeaux Rhineaux . Rojeaux Rhineaux is sired by Mr BF Iron Man and was named the 2014 International Reserve Calf Champion Bull. As you can see in his photo, this bull is massive in his build, yet level, sound and correct in his make up.

Just like LMC LN Polled Pappo, LMC LN Polled Picante, which sells as lot ¬¬4 and the lot 6 embryos, these embryos are out of our top polled donor 5/4. We feel confident that this young, polled 999 daughter will leave her mark and influence on the Polled Brahman world. She is the dam to the most exciting smooth Polled Red Brahman bull we have ever seen, LMC LN Polled Pappo.

We plan to market semen world wide on Polled Pappo as we have already had much interest and sold some semen to Australia. At just 9 months of age, Polled Pappo was named Reserve Calf Champion at the San Antonio Livestock show and then again at the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show. Study Polled Pappo's photo and just imagine what this cow can do when we add the influence of CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9! We are selling 3 conventional DT frozen embryos and will guarantee 1 pregnancy if transferred by a certified embryologist. If you have any questions, please call Javier Moreno at 956 607 7408 or Carlos Jr. at 956 330 1963.

Other Lot Images
Polled Pappo - maternal sib to embyros. He is destined for greatness.
Polled Pappo - maternal sib to embyros. He is destined for greatness.

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