SRW MR. FLYING W 328/8 is a beef machine , big ribbed deep bodied with a long hip and muscle down thru the lower quarter . He is in top 6 % of breed for birthweight epd and top 3 % for calving ease epd . His marbling epd is in the top 5% of breed and retail product is in top 3 % . His actual IMF in the test was 3.8 non adjusted . His actual scrotal circumference was 38 cm tied for largest in test . His sire JTB Holy Smokes sired the top 3 high indexing bulls at the 2018 bull test and produces extremely gentle calves . His heifers calves are thick feminine and flashy . 323/8 is a moderate framed masculine bull that will sire small calves with good marbling . He is what the commercial buyer needs in today’s world .