If you are looking for a breeding piece don’t miss out on SRS Miss 515/9. Not only is she moderate framed, deep ribbed, and heavy muscled but scurred opening up a wide variety of uses. If you study her pedigree you will see that she is sired by +Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” who is widely known as a proven sire with most recently 3 of the 4 champions at the International Show being his progeny. Dig deeper and you will see that the dam to 515/9 is a proven cow calving first at 34 months of age and then rebreeding and calving again 10 months later! SRS Miss Ellen 240/5 is sired by LMC Polled Sambo 45/0 who we think is one of the best polled sires available and then out of a daughter of +Mr. V8 901/4 and a proven donor of Double A Ranch and B.R. Cutrer who is also a full sister to the two donors +SNS 95/1 and +SNS 128/2. To complete this package and provide added value the performance profile of 515/9 indicates that she and her offspring should be fast growing, breed earlier, be heavy muscled and super docile. We think 515/9 is the kind of female that you could build a program around!