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Lot 7 - RMC Ms Ariana 183A

High bid
10 years 43 weeks 6 days 15 hours 24 min ago
Lot Information:
RMC Ms Ariana 183A
BETM Mack 5X5
ABS Miss Statement 860U
BW: 3.1 WW: 64.8 YW: 90.7 MM: 22.8

RMC Ms Ariana 183A                     ¾ X ¼  Simbrah Heifer

December 7, 2013  Reg# Pending

Ariana is a long necked, wide topped and deep bodied percentage show heifer prospect.  She is sired by Mack who is a big boned, solid red Rocco son out of the many time champion LMC Swan.  Mack had two littermate heifers that sold for an average of $9000.  Her dam is a moderate, deep bodied cow that has a calf every 12 months or less and is sired by Rains Blk M717H and out of a Gambler daughter.  Ariana can be shown as a percentage simbrah at the Simmental Simbrah Superbowl and she can compete in the ARB at San Antonio and Houston.

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