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Lot 7 - RFI Dancin Star 563C - Purebred Simbrah show heifer

High bid
8 years 43 weeks 6 days 1 hour 48 min ago
Lot Information:
RFI Dancin Star 563C
Purebred Simbrah show heifer
Smith McCrary Fireball
RFI Tiny Dancer
bw 2.5 ww 77.6 yw 100.8

Consigned By: Reavis Farms

Here is one of the first opportunity’s to own a daughter out of Smith McCrary Fireball.  This super attractive and sleek fronted female is the definition of eye appeal!  She is a combination of balance, style, and femininity blended with performance and a hard to come by pedigree.  Her dam, RFI Tiny Dancer, is a top brood cow sired by Charismatic.  We cannot say enough about our Charismatic daughters, as they continue to be some of the most valued and asked about females on the ranch.  They are moderate, with lots of middle, structurally correct, and have ideal utters.  They are a cowman’s female!  Dancin Star is made the same way.  Fireball is a young and up and coming bull, and has created lots of interest in a short amount of time.  He is being utilized by some of the top programs in Simbrah including Smith Genetics, McCrary Farms, Southwestern Farms, 7N Ranch, Johnson Cattle Co, and Monte Christo Cattle Co.  Two units of Semen are included with this lot from any RFI herd sire.

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