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Lot 7 - PCC Golden Manso 808/8

High bid
5 years 42 weeks 5 days 18 hours 40 min ago
Lot Information:
PCC Golden Manso 808/8
Mr V8 306/7
JDH Minnie Manso 808/7

Due to our numerous calls about whether we would offer any fall heifer calves, we’re going to open the gate on one exceptional prospect. PCC Golden Manso 808/8 is our pick of our Fall production thus far.
It’s not fair as far as I am concerned to show pictures and look at cattle that are 6 months to a year apart in age, but here we have to. This heifer is Ultra feminine and attractive in her make-up right now at this stage in her life with enough openness and body to mature into another exceptional show heifer and brood cow.
She’s been cosmetically dehorned since the CIM crew was here and has almost doubled in body since then too. She’ll be branded and vaccinated, ready to go by sale time too.
Her sire, Mr V8 306/7, is the dark 380 son working for Steve and Nancy Martin from Brenham. 306/7 has sired some exceptional show heifers, perhaps most memorable, Miss V8 511/8, the many-time champion for Lauren Bolcik including Grands at Houston, Dallas and San Antonio Junior Shows.
808/8’s mother, Miss Minnie Manso 808, a Liberty granddaughter from the Hudgins Division of JD Hudgins, is one of our favorite old foundation cows. She is really long-sided, sound and powerful, with a very sound udder, for an old cow especially. Bob Hudgins has told me about the attractive Rick, her sire’s, daughters that have worked in the Hudgins herd. Ours, goes back to a Madison/Atari start. This is a GREAT cow family.
This is a STAND OUT prospect here and we believe could be one of the most competitive show heifer prospects we are offering.
PCC reserves 2 successful IVF’s

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Sire - Mr V8 306/7
Sire - Mr V8 306/7
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Dam - JDH Minnie Manso 808/7
Dam - JDH Minnie Manso 808/7
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Miss V8 511/8, the many-time champion for Lauren Bolcik
Miss V8 511/8, the many-time champion for Lauren Bolcik

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